an old relationship lands in “The Voice”, Vianney teases!

On Saturday February 25, viewers resumed their good old habits by putting themselves in front TF1 to follow the 12th season of The Voice. Who says first episode, says blind auditions. During this session, the new coaches Bigflo and Oli received a “musical slap” from Nochka. The young woman of 21 years had chosen a version with her sauce of the piece hell of Stromae. “It’s not the musicians who accompany me. I am accompanied by an arrangement that I made myself”, she had specified before starting. A performance that hit the mark since the entire jury turned around.

But Bigflo revealed knowing this talent since they exchanged on social networks in the past. At the time, the Parisienne had covered the title, See you up there. “I saw a lot of your covers. I told you that you were a killer and that it was too good”he said after the performance of the artist. “We loved it because beyond the choice of the song, there is also the technique”, Oli added. Sentiment shared by Vianney. “I agree with what the buddies are saying. To be honest with you, I really wanted to block them but I can’t be so ruthless because I see that there is something that happened between you “he first said.

And yet when it was necessary to oust the interpreter fromNot here at the time of the very first audition (by pressing the Super Block button, editor’s note), the two brothers had not hesitated for a single second. But if the thirties did not take revenge, he preferred to slip this little tackle. “I’m very surprised because my boyfriends have a music label and it’s a shame they didn’t want to sign you before!”.

See also: “The Voice”: this “world premiere” that the public will love but which will frustrate the coaches!


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