an official rally takes place in Fouquereuil in tribute to the teenager



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This is the first official tribute that took place this Friday, October 21, in Fouquereuil in the Pas-de-Calais, with the agreement of the parents in tribute to their daughter Lola. The mayor of the town has invited anyone who wants to to a rally.

It’s in Fouquereuil (Pas-de-Calais) in the village where Lola’s father grew up, the tribute to the teenager is being prepared on Friday, October 21. In the morning, municipal employees began to install barriers and tables to accommodate people who want to gather for a moment. In a statement, his parents said they wanted the tribute to be dignified and respectful.For the memory of Lola, we hope that the various ceremonies take place in a spirit of serenity and calm, far from political and media agitation“, do they have let it be known.

A week after Lola’s death, new investigative elements have made it possible to better understand the profile of the alleged killer. According to his relatives, Dahbia came from Algeria in 2016 to join her mother with her two sisters in Bry-sur-Marne (Val de Marne). She would have been educated in an establishment of Champigny but not very diligent, she does not get her baccalaureate and passes a CAP restoration. The death of his mother, suffering from cancer, would have been a shock. Lately she hasn’t been no longer the same, says a relative.

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