Medical students would thus commit to settling in the area for ten years, according to the project led by Frédérique Meunier, LR MP for Corrèze.
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To fight against medical deserts, Frédérique Meunier, LR deputy for Corrèze, has just tabled a bill to give “a second chance“to medical students who failed in their second year, if they agree to settle in general medicine in tense areas, particularly in rural areas. She was the guest of France Bleu Limousin this Monday morning. “The problem of competitions where you have quotas, you have the one who fails for a minimum of points, for 0.2, 0.3 points. I address these“, explains Frédérique Meunier.
The bill therefore concerns second-year medical students. “failed orally” Who “could have a sort of second possibility, a second chance, to be able to continue their medical studies, provided that they commit to choosing general medicine and practicing it in academies in tense areasspecifies the MP. This proposal can evolve, be improved, but the idea is to say we are giving you a second chance to prevent, for example, young people going abroad, which we are seeing more and more, and that we we’ll go look for them later“.
“An obligation in return for an opportunity”
MP LR assumes the idea that this law would be the beginning of an installation obligation, a very strong incentive. “Yes, of course, but if we do nothing, we see all our territories, we see it in Brive, we see it in rural areas, with doctors disappearing, the attractiveness of our territories means that we are going little by little deflate like balloons and die“, warns the elected official. It’s an obligation in return for an opportunity“.
Medical students would commit to settling in for ten years.”because it corresponded to the number of years of study, now it can be less, it can perhaps open up to other specialties like dentists. The bill can be amended, but the main thing is that it can exist“, concludes Frédérique Meunier.