an LR MP wishes to change the system for sharing “bonus” quarters linked to the education of a child

At a time when some are counting their quarters for retirement, the device allowing the sharing within a couple of the “bonus” quarters linked to the education of a child remains particularly unknown. Isabelle Valentin, LR deputy for Haute-Loire, proposes to make it evolve towards more flexibility.

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Less than 600 annual requests have been made in recent years to pension funds to share, within a couple, the “bonus” quarters linked to the education of a child. A very low figure compared to the 720,000 births recorded each year in France. Less than one couple in a thousand therefore decides to transfer part or all of the four quarters of retirement granted for the education of a child to the dad!

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The 2010 reform allows it, however, it was created to encourage fathers to take their part. Four other trimesters linked to the birth of the child remain automatically attributed to the mother. This also applies to adopted children, and to same-sex couples.

A very restrictive schedule

The measure suffers from both a lack of notoriety and a very particular timetable because the decision to transfer these quarters to one’s spouse must be taken very early: within six months after the child’s fourth birthday. “At four and a half years of the child, in a couple, we do not know who is going to need his terms the most, deplores the deputy LR of Haute-Loire Isabelle Valentin who wishes to modify this law. Before, it was valid because women worked less. Today, there are very few women who take three or four years off to raise their children.”

“The decision should be made when the first spouse retires and not when the child is four and a half years old.”

Isabelle Valentin, LR deputy for Haute-Loire

at franceinfo

But … this modification, desired by the LR deputy for Haute-Loire, is not on the agenda of the current pension reform.

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