an LR deputy considers it “scandalous” to “give residence permits to all illegal immigrants who are in shortage occupations”

“Giving residence permits to all illegal immigrants who are in shortage occupations is deeply scandalous”, said Wednesday, November 2 on franceinfo Pierre-Henri Dumont, deputy secretary general of the Republicans, LR deputy from Pas-de-Calais. The government unveiled the broad outlines of its immigration bill on Wednesday, which it has touted “the balance” between hardening on expulsions and reaching out to immigrant workers. “A massive regularization is to create a breath of fresh air and an easy solution to please employers“, added the deputy.

>> Immigration bill: “short-term occupations” residence permit, OQTF, asylum… What are the avenues on the government’s table?

The government plans to introduce “short-term occupations” residence permits. For unfilled jobs to be filled, it is necessary to “Forcing the unemployed present in the territory to train in jobs in tension, forcing them to take a job in jobs that are recruiting. If they do not do this, their unemployment benefits must be cut.”

Before giving an opinion on the announcements of Gérald Darmanin and Olivier Dussopt, it is necessary to see “what’s in the text”. “Gérald Darmanin has had very big words since he became Minister of the Interior and we have a government that, more than anyone else, issues passes and residence permits”insists Pierre-Henri Dumont.

“We have expulsions which are five times less than at the time of Nicolas Sarkozy. Words are not enough, actions are needed.”

Pierre-Henri Dumont, deputy LR

on franceinfo

The LR deputy from Pas-de-Calais is not against labor immigration “highly qualified”. If offered, it will say “bank”. In France, immigration is “family, under-skilled. 40% of immigrants have a level below the certificate. From that moment on, you cannot occupy skilled trades.”

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