an LFI deputy brandishes a Palestinian flag


Video length: 2 min

Incident at the National Assembly: an LFI deputy brandishes a Palestinian flag
Incident at the National Assembly: an LFI deputy brandishes a Palestinian flag
(France 2)

A France insoumise MP brandished a Palestinian flag on Tuesday, May 28, during a question session with the government in the National Assembly. The session was suspended and the MP was suspended for 15 days.

High tension, Tuesday May 28, at the National Assembly. In full response from a minister on the situation in Gaza, Sébastien Delogu, a rebellious MP, brandished a Palestinian flag. The president, Yaël Braun-Pivet, immediately interrupted the session. The deputy then appeared in front of the cameras and took responsibility for his actions. According to him, it would be a call for recognition, by France, of the State of Palestine, as several European countries did this Tuesday.

For almost an hour, the atmosphere was electric between the rebels and certain deputies. For the majority, this gesture is a provocation. “This dismaying episode once again shows the total lack of respect that La France insoumise has towards our institutions.”, affirmed Benjamin Haddad, Renaissance deputy of Paris. MP Sébastien Delogu received the heaviest sanction: a 50% reduction in his compensation for two months, and exclusion for 15 days.

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