an Israeli commando infiltrates a hospital in the West Bank


Video length: 2 min

War in the Gaza Strip: an Israeli commando infiltrates a hospital in the West Bank

War in the Gaza Strip: an Israeli commando infiltrates a hospital in the West Bank – (France 2)

Disguised as Palestinians, Israelis managed to enter a hospital in Jenin, in the West Bank. Armed, the commando killed three men.

In the middle of the night, a disguised Israeli commando burst into the hospital in Jenin (West Bank). There are ten of them and each one entered playing a character. In the first group, a doctor in a white coat, a veiled woman and a patient in a wheelchair. They come into contact with the target. Behind them, follow around ten other agents, disguised as nurses or wearing beards and djellaba. One of them takes care of a civilian in the hallway and asks him not to move.

“Arabized unity” which infiltrates among the Palestinians

The commando will kill three Palestinians from Hamas and Islamic Jihad. According to Israel, they were preparing to carry out attacks. A former member of this elite unit, called the “Arabized unit”, confides. “The idea is to be like the Palestinians, to be one of them and to take action when you see them in the eye.“, explains Oren Or Bittoun, former member of the elite border police unit.

source site-29