An investigation was opened after Sandrine Bonnaire’s complaint about the death of her mother in a nursing home

This 84-year-old woman died last August. The actress accuses the establishment of “medical negligence” which led to the death.


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Actress Sandrine Bonnaire at the National Assembly, for a speech paying tribute to former MP Madeleine Braun, March 8, 2023. (JULIEN DE ROSA / AFP)

A preliminary investigation was opened after a complaint filed by actress Sandrine Bonnaire, who accused “medical negligence” the Charente-Maritime nursing home where his mother lived, who died in August. “I received a complaint at the beginning of March from the Bonnaire sisters through their lawyer. It is a complaint against X”declared Wednesday May 29 to AFP Benjamin Alla, public prosecutor in Saintes, confirming information from the daily South West. The preliminary investigation was opened on March 18 and entrusted to the La Rochelle judicial police.

At the end of the year, Sandrine Bonnaire announced her desire to file a complaint against a public nursing home in Charente-Maritime, accusing the establishment for the elderly of having neglected cleaning, the supply of toilet paper or even the hydration of his mother. “It was medical negligence that led to her death. (…) My mother had no illness, she was 84 years old”declared the actress in the newspaper The Parisiansaying to speak “so that the care of our elders changes”.

“Thank you to the justice system which retained our case. An investigation is underway”she said on Sunday on her Instagram account. “Shame on certain private and public nursing homes. Shame on the government which did not react or come forward when I spoke in November.”

This legal procedure comes two years after the scandal of the private group of retirement homes Orpea, following which the executive announced a strengthening of controls on nursing homes, public and private.

The message posted by Sandrine Bonnaire on Instagram, on Mother's Day, May 26, 2024. (SANDRINE BONNAIRE / INSTAGRAM)

According to the Saintes municipal social action center, which manages this 90-bed nursing home, Sandrine Bonnaire’s mother resided there for three years before being hospitalized in Saintes, where she died on August 23. In December, the Nouvelle-Aquitaine Regional Health Agency affirmed that neither it nor the Departmental Council had “received report on this situation”. The ARS nevertheless said it was monitoring the establishment, inspected in 2015 and 2022, and that “the dysfunctions observed” had “subject to notable, but insufficient, improvements”.

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