an investigation opened for sexual assault and rape of a minor against a Dominican priest

No complaints have yet been filed. The facts date back to the 2000s, reports France Bleu Occitanie on Monday.

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An investigation has been opened by the Rodez prosecutor’s office against a Dominican priest for sexual assault and rape of a minor under the age of 15, reports France Bleu Occitanie on Monday May 9.

No complaint has yet been filed, but the facts, dating from the 2000s, were reported to the public prosecutor by the Dominican Brothers. “If the facts are proven, they are not prescribed”, says the prosecution. Investigators are currently trying to understand the context at the time of the alleged facts as well as the circumstances in which the priest met the alleged victim.

The suspect, aged 78, is also known to have saved the abbey of Sylvanès, in Aveyron. André Gouzes received the Legion of Honor in 2006, as restorer of the abbey, where he has been based since the 1970s.

Representatives of the Recognition and Reparation Commission (CRR), the body which must compensate the victims of sexual abuse within the congregations, will go to Toulouse on May 30 and 31 to collect any testimonies.

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