an investigation opened for intentional violence in a meeting after the death of a man knocked down by a tram

The case agitates social networks. Jeremy Cohen, a young man living in Bobigny (Seine-Saint-Denis), died after being run over by a tram on February 17. An investigation was then opened for “manslaughter”, writes the Bobigny prosecution in a press release, Monday, April 4.

Corn “quickly the elements collected made it possible to understand that, a few moments before the accident, the victim had suffered violence“, notes the prosecution. A second investigation was then opened for “intentional violence in meetings”.

A video circulating on social media shows a group of people attacking a man – presented as being Jeremy Cohen – dealing him several blows. He seems to flee the group a few moments later and, in his race, is run over by a tram.

“The hypothesis that the victim crossed the tracks to escape his attackers was naturally taken into account”specifies the Bobigny prosecutor’s office, which finally opened, on March 29, a judicial investigation for “willful violence resulting in death without intention to give it”, i.e. the criminal qualification “the highest possible at this stage of the investigations”. The investigation is now entrusted to the departmental service of the judicial police of Seine-Saint-Denis.

On Twitter, several political figures underline the possibly anti-Semitic nature of this attack. In its press release, the prosecution makes no reference to the religion of the victim. According to the family of the deceased, Jérémy Cohen, interviewed by Radio Shalomthe young man suffered from an invisible disability.

Far-right presidential candidate Eric Zemmour asks: “Did he die to run away from scum? Did he die because he was Jewish? Why is this case covered up?”.

His opponent, Marine Le Pen, questioned herself in a tweet on “silence on this matter”referring to what “could be an anti-Semitic murder”. “All light must be shed” on the drama, for their part asked two other presidential candidates, Jean-Luc Mélenchon (LFI) and Yannick Jadot (EELV).

“Our concern is to convince and to move forward with the judicial authority without any recovery”reacted on BFMTV the family lawyer, Franck Serfati. “The Cohen family does not come to cry anti-Semitismhe added. This would distort the facts and prejudge. But we must not exclude at the moment that it is the aggravating element of anti-Semitism.

“He was someone who was very sweet”

Let’s give justice time and give the investigating magistrates a reasonable time to establish who was present and why Jérémy Cohen was literally lynched”, also declared Franck Serfati on the set of the program “Touche pas à mon poste” on C8. “What we don’t want tonight and tomorrow is for there to be partisan recovery on the eve of two major elections”, the presidential and the legislative, quilted the lawyer.

On the set of “TPMP”, the father of Jérémy Cohen was unable to say if his son wore the yarmulke that day. “My son was a brilliant person, he had a BAC S he had done three years of mathematics and computer science applied to Jussieu and after he was a little depressed, tired, he took the treatment he needed and there he was happy to live, he was well”, explained Gerard Cohen. “In the afternoon, he went to relax, go shopping, I don’t know”, he continued, specifying that his son suffered from a “slight disability, he sometimes had trouble concentrating, he walked slowly, he was someone who was very gentle, who liked to help others, he had a good heart.”

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