An investigation for “death threat to elected” and “death threat materialized by a writing” was opened after several letters received Tuesday by the former Prime Minister.
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An investigation for “death threat to elected” and “death threat materialized by a writing” was opened after several letters received Tuesday by the former Prime Minister and current mayor of Le Havre Edouard Philippe, learned Thursday March 30 franceinfo from the Le Havre public prosecutor’s office.
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“Three letters containing white powder were sent to the town hall, the headquarters of the Horizons party and a mosque”, explains the prosecution. Two of the letters are for the direct attention of Edouard Philippe and these letters are accompanied by an inscription “God is great”. According to information from franceinfo, the mosque concerned is a mosque in Le Havre.
“The white powder is being analyzed. No consequences have been detected on the health of personnel in contact with the substance”continues the Le Havre prosecution. “Investigations are continuing”, he finishes.