an investigation opened for aggravated manslaughter

The 35-year-old motorist suspected of having fatally hit the driver of a scooter on the night of Saturday to Sunday in Giez, Haute-Savoie, was heard by the gendarmes this Sunday. His custody was lifted at the end of the day, pending further investigations, we learned from a judicial source. Witnesses must indeed still be heard, and an autopsy must take place.

Hit and run and alcohol?

According to the first elements, the thirty-something, driving a black Audi, was driving on the departmental 1508, at the exit of Giez, in the direction of Faverges, when, around 1 a.m., he allegedly hit a scooter, before fleeing. The scooter driver, a 20-year-old man, was pronounced dead when paramedics arrived.

The driver of the vehicle may have been arrested a few minutes later, not far from the scene of the accident, by a patrol of reservist gendarmes, responsible for monitoring the shores of Lake Annecy, who had spotted debris on the road. When the gendarmes apprehended him, the man was parked inside his vehicle on the side of the road.

The driver was a priori alcoholic at the time of the facts. Sunday evening, the results of the toxicological analyzes were not yet known. An investigation for aggravated manslaughter has been opened.

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