An investigation opened after the death of three dogs during the French Canicross championship

These dogs were poisoned by meatballs deposited along the route. The police arrived on the spot.

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The gendarmes will have to show flair. An investigation was opened after the suspicious death of three dogs during the French Canicross championship, a pedestrian race with dogs, in Vauvert (Gard), the Nîmes prosecutor’s office announced to AFP on Sunday March 12. A fourth dog is also currently being cared for, according to the prosecution.

The investigation was opened for “act of cruelty to animals, for which two years’ imprisonment and a fine of 30,000 euros are incurred”, explained the public prosecutor, Cécile Gensac. The gendarmerie company of the Vauvert group is in charge of the investigation. “A reconstruction of the evidence is underway to identify what happened”added the prosecutor.

Questioned by France 3 Occitanie, the president of the canine sports and leisure federation denounced a “criminal act” with the deposit of poisoned meatballs deposited along the route. “I don’t know if this person realizes what they’ve done. When you see what it did to the dogs, imagine if a child had approached these dumplings!”got carried away Yvon Lasbleiz.

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