“An investigation is underway to shed light on this crime”, says the French ambassador in kyiv

According to Etienne de Poncins, if it is difficult to establish that those who fired on the bus in which Frédéric Leclerc-Imhoff was found had knowledge of his quality as a journalist, he deplores “isystematic incidents” during evacuation convoys.

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“An investigation is underway to shed light on this crime”, reacted the ambassador of France in Ukraine, Etienne de Poncins, Tuesday, May 31 on franceinfo, after the death, Monday, in the Donbass, of Frédéric Leclerc-Imhoff, journalist of BFMTV. From the French Embassy in kyiv, he described his death as “drama” and echoed the words of the head of French diplomacy, Catherine Colonna, who mentioned “a crime”.

“The journalist was on a civilian evacuation bus that was targeted by artillery fire, that’s what we know at this point.”

Etienne de Poncins

at franceinfo

According to him, he is “difficult to know if those who fired knew that a journalist was on the bus” but he lamented “systematic incidents” that occur during evacuation convoys, as was already the case in Mariupol where “one out of two convoys had been the victim of shots”.

“President Zelensky has given his support, including for the family to find the body of this journalist”continued the French ambassador. “Journalism in Ukraine is extremely dangerous and essential, they do a remarkable job, and we are full of admiration for their work”he assured, while calling for “the greatest caution” those who are on this battlefield.

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