An investigation is opened into the case of a 2-year-old girl who may have been circumcised

The Commission for Human Rights and Youth Rights (CDPDJ) has opened an investigation on its own initiative into a possible case of excision of a two-year-old child.

She says she is looking into the case “following [de] the inaction of the Direction de la protection de la jeunesse (DPJ)”, which had received a report from the staff of a CPE (Centre de la petite enfance) in the greater Quebec City region.

The CDPDJ underlines, in a press release released Thursday, having been alerted to this case by the media.

His investigation will aim to determine if the facts reported by the media are true and if the rights of this girl have been respected or not. The daily The gallery reported Wednesday that an educator at the CPE had noticed while changing the child’s diaper that her anatomy was unusual, and that she seemed to have undergone genital mutilation. With the director of the CPE, she would have contacted the DPJ, who would have told them that the case was too delicate to open an investigation.

“Having reason to believe in lesions of rights”, the CDPDJ will investigate, in particular to ensure “that measures are taken so that such a situation does not happen again. »

According to the Commission, the CPE did exactly what it had to do by contacting the DYP.

“The protection of children must be everyone’s business”, she insists.

In its press release, the CDPDJ recalls that its investigation is not public, but that it could reveal its conclusions and recommendations. She emphasizes that she will not comment further. The Commission has launched other investigations in the past without receiving a report, based on facts reported in the media.

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