an investigation is open to clarify the gray areas


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The case of the young jogger who had disappeared in Mayenne continues to mobilize the police. Found in a restaurant in Sablé-sur-Sarthe, the young woman of 17 years affirms to have escaped kidnappers.

Escorted by the gendarmes and surrounded by her parents, the 17-year-old girl was able to find the family home. In the village of Saint-Brice (Mayenne), neighbors close to the family say they are relieved. “I know the family, I am relieved for them but also for the village, I am happy that it ends well”, testifies a resident of the village of Saint-Brice. Monday, November 8, the victim was part go for a jog in the forest of Bellebranche. According to his statements, two men come to kidnap him in the town from Agêts.

Not seeing his daughter return to the family home, her father will move towards the forest of Bellebranche. There he will find the phone, headphones and the connected watch of the young jogger. She will reappear in the evening of Tuesday, November 9 in a Turkish restaurant. “It was 8pm and I had clients who were outside. They made the young lady come in and one of the clients made me understand that it was the young girl who had disappeared “, report Guven Ciftici, the restaurant manager. Since then, about sixty gendarmes have been mobilized to try to corroborate the story of the young girl who allegedly described the van of his abductor.


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