an interim measure filed against the Haute-Savoie candidacy

“It will be expensive for everyone, it will cost in land, we will have to build roads, housing”, explains Elisabeth Charmot, secretary of ACPAT, the Association for Consultation and Proposals for Development and Transport, in Thonon-les-Bains. On July 25, the Departmental Council of Haute-Savoie voted for a deliberation his candidacy to host the World Cycling Championships in 2027. Which implies the construction of a velodrome. Appeal in summary was filed by nine local collectives at the administrative court of Grenoble. It will be examined on September 8.

According to these collectives, the bill would be too expensive for taxpayers. And the project also poses problems from an ecological point of view. “There was no demand for such equipment in Haute-Savoie from local clubs. And what will be done with this velodrome, estimated at 100 million euros, afterwards? It will not be reused , I’m sure of it since Geneva already has a velodrome”says Elisabeth Charmot again.

An “error of appreciation” for opponents

In addition to the worrying financial aspect these Haute-Savoie collectives, there are also usefulness of such a project for the department. “We have the possibility of cycling, mountain biking in the mountains and in winter, we go skiing. It is not in the mentality to lock ourselves in a velodrome in winter”, continues Elisabeth Charmot.

“And then what irritates us, what is said to be a project for cyclists. This is false. They want secure access between their homes and their places of work or a station. The Departmental Council would do better to help the agglomerations to develop cycle paths”she finishes.

“We may have to stop organizing big competitions like that” — Elisabeth Charmot, ACPAT secretary

For its part, the Departmental Council does not comment and recalls that the Geneva velodrome could not be included in the project because it is not approved by the Union Cycliste Internationale (UCI) due to the size of the 160 meters against 250 meters for approved velodromes.

* The signatory associations of the summary procedure: ACPAT: Association for Consultation and Proposal on Planning and Transport, in Thonon, known for its fight for alternatives to the Chablais motorway project, AERE in Reignier, AMDC (Association Douce Mobilité Chablais), APPL (Asso. for the Protection of the Loëx Plateau), AQV (Quality of Life Association), Ermitage Association (in Thonon), DCPH (in Chablais), Environmental Movement of the Upper Arve Valley, Thonon Ecology.

A new formula for the World Cycling Championships from 2023

Until then, each discipline had its competition, its world championships. Competitions organized independently of each other, such as the Mountain Bike World Championships from August 24 to 28 in Les Gets. By 2023 in Glasgow, Scotland, it will be over. The UCI wants a single place where all the events will take place, 13 at the same time. Haute-Savoie is therefore a candidate for 2023.

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