an integral of Christophe allows to rediscover the sound universe of the singer

This box set, released on December 3, includes around 20 CDs and covers more than 50 years of career.

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Christophe fans should be happy for Christmas. An integral of the French singer, who died in April 2020, was released on December 3. Entitled Christophe, the beautiful bizarre, it brings together 18 CDs which cover more than 50 years of career. The opportunity to rediscover the work of Christophe with a new perspective.

In total, this complete includes 276 titles, among which few unpublished but rare versions. We find for example The lost paradises, sung with Françoise Hardy, or songs released on 45s that were not available for a long time. This complete offers above all an immersion in the sound universe of Christophe, tireless experimenter: “For example, there is an album called ‘Paradise found’. It was really models that he had made at home, on which he sings in ‘yogurt'”., tells the journalist Christophe Conte, author of the texts of the booklet. “For people who haven’t heard it before, it’s really a dive into something a lot more experimental than the hits everyone knows.”

Alongside these discoveries, we obviously find Christophe’s great successes, in studio or live version. With, of course, an essential song: “For me, Christophe’s most magical song is ultimately the one we always remember: ‘Blue words’. It’s a mysterious song, with a text written by Jean-Michel Jarre and poetic images that are not not those of the variety songs of the time “, tells Christophe Conte. It is also a song that marks a musical turning point for the singer. “A period begins with ‘The lost paradises’. Christophe discovers the synthesizers and that changes things enormously for him. The sound is very different, it is almost at the time a creation. No one had done that before him. “

In his career, Christophe has known immense successes and failures but he was a reference and a source of inspiration for many artists. He had also revisited his songs with some on two albums in 2019. “Christophe has had a considerable influence over the past fifteen years. Whether it is Sébastien Tellier, Julie Doré or even Juliette Armanet … Everyone claims to be Christophe.”

Music: an integral of the singer Christophe appears for the end of year celebrations

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