“An incredible scenario” for Antoine Dupont, after the victory of the Blues against the All Blacks



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The scrum half of the XV of France welcomed the historic success of his family against the All Blacks (40-25) on Saturday.

Antoine Dupont was delighted with a convincing result against the triple world champions, and “acquired with the manner”. New Zealand’s 40-25 winners at the Stade de France on Saturday, November 20, the Blues put an end to fourteen defeats in a row against their evening opponents. The last victory of the Tricolores against the Kiwis dates back to 2009.

If the Toulouse Stadium player admitted that he and his partners “got a little scared at the start of the second half”, he especially retained the incredible support of the public “for a victory that will be remembered for a long time”. As often, the international scrum-half was no stranger to this prestigious victory for the XV of France.


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