an incredible comeback and a precious victory against Lens (3-2)

There are matches that remain in the annals, which mark minds and forge teams. This Friday night’s meeting against Lens will certainly be part of it on the Nantes side. The Canaries win on the wire (3-2) after being led of two goals in the first period.

Nantes people with two faces

Clearly, the Nantes people have shown two faces for this 18th day of Ligue 1. The first, an apathetic face and without envy in the first half. The Lensois quickly take cover with two goals, signed David Pereira Da Costa and Arnaud Kalimuendo.

And then a second magical period, certainly the best of the Canaries since the start of the season. As transfigured, the Yellow and Green scored two goals in quick succession thanks to Ludovic Blas then Randal Kolo Muani. Followed at the very end of the meeting by a nugget from Moses Simon in the window of Wuilker Farinez, totally powerless on the strike (3-2).

A promising second half

After the tasteless match delivered in Lorient and the resulting victory (0-1), the Canaries continue on a second victory in a row, much more promising this time, and with style. It will be necessary to capitalize on it for the future, before the trip to Sochaux in the Coupe de France, then the last match of the calendar year against a poorly classified, Saint-Etienne.

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