an increasingly severe crackdown on protests



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In Iran, Wednesday, October 26, there were thousands to defy the reinforced security arrangements put in place by the authorities, who responded with force by firing on the demonstrators.

An extremely shocking scene took place in Salman ​Shahr, in Iran, Wednesday, October 26. In the passenger seat of a car, a 35-year-old woman witnesses a shooting, before being shot too. His phone fell off while he was still recording. Repression is ever more severe and deadly. The same day, in Saghez (Iran), they were thousands to defy the reinforced security devices which were put in place by the authorities.

In Mahsa Amini’s hometown, everyone came to celebrate the end of the traditional 40-day mourning for this 22-year-old Iranian Kurd, who died on September 16 after being arrested by the morality police. In videos posted online by activists, a dense crowd ignores the road closures to go by car, motorbike or on foot to the grave of the young woman, whose death sparked an unprecedented wave of protests in the country. After this tribute, the authorities fired on the demonstrators. Since the start of the protest, 250 people have been killed, according to NGOs.

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