an increase in the incidence rate which worries in France



Article written by

A. Jolly, N. Tabouri, M. Martel, France 3 Régions, L. Michel – France 3 – franceinfo

France Televisions

If for the moment, France does not plan to confine or put in place a curfew, the figures of covid-19 are gradually deteriorating as winter approaches.

Monday, November 15, in all primary schools in France, children had to put on the mask. An obligation to try to contain an epidemic of Covid-19 which has been gaining strength for several weeks. In fact, more than 10,000 cases on average have been recorded in recent days.. In France, only four departments appear under the alert threshold of 50 cases per 100,000 inhabitants. In addition, the incidence rate has risen above the bar of 100 cases per 100,000 inhabitants throughout the territory.

All age groups are affected, and the onset of winter should not help. There is a seasonal effect, and the further we advance in the winter season, the greater the risk of epidemics, and this rate of transmission will increase.“, explains Pascal Crepey, epidemiologist at the School of Advanced Studies in Public Health reindeer (Ille-et-Vilaine). In hospitals, the increase is less marked, but it has nevertheless been constant for a month. Vaccination limits the size of the wave, but after two years of health crisis, caregivers remain vigilant.


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