an impressive shooting star observed in the North of France


Video length: 1 min.

France 3

Article written by

N. Boubetra, Y. Junqua, T. Dorseuil, Meteo Paris, images @MegaLuigi, @tymialy76700, @tprincedelamour – France 3

France Televisions

An impressive shooting star passed on the night of February 13. It was an asteroid that disintegrated in the sky of northern France. You could see it from Paris, all the way to the south of England.

A meteorite pierced the sky on Monday, February 13. The images were captured in the North of France, in Belgium or in England. You had to get up early to see it in the sky, 3:59 Exactly. His arrival had been announced the day before by the European Space Agency. This is the seventh time such an asteroid impact has been predicted.

Dozens of meteorites every year

“When the meteorite enters the atmosphere, it undergoes a very brutal heating, the water ice suddenly passes into the gaseous phase and this creates the explosion and each piece becomes a luminous ball”, explains Francis Rocard, astrophysicist. There is no danger according to the specialist, because the meteorite is only one meter. The phenomenon is not exceptional. Dozens of meteorites are observed each year, but it is rare to be able to observe them with the naked eye.

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