an impossible truce in Mariupol?



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While a ceasefire had been decreed by Moscow in Mariupol (Ukraine), this announcement was not respected Thursday, May 5. The Russian forces keep as objective the capture of the Azovstal factory, where Ukrainians are still resisting.

Thursday, May 5, the ceasefire decreed by the Russians in Mariupol (Ukraine) was not respected. The Azovstal factory, shelled for several days by the Russian army, is the last pocket of Ukrainian resistance in Mariupol. The neighborhoods of the city are completely destroyed. A woman acts as a nurse and comes to the aid of residents injured by shrapnel.

The survivors sleep in cellars, without water or electricity. “Here, we are on the front line”, testifies Alla Kouzina, a resident of Mariupol whose home was destroyed. His neighbor lost his wife in a bombing. Near Azovstal, the pro-Russian separatists detail their objective. “For May 9, we have to try to take all that and I think we will get there, it would be really good”, explains Vladimir Bouri, commander of the pro-Russian separatist forces. The capture of Azovstal would be a victory to display for May 9, a patriotic holiday in Russia.

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