“An idiot like Putin will destroy lives”, the wrath of this Ukrainian wheat producer

Volodymyr’s sheds are full here, in farms around Kryvyï Rih, about fifty kilometers from the front of Kherson, in the south of Ukraine. “Come, I’ll show you the wheat, so that you understand our misfortune. It is both our pride and our pain. It’s gold. And it’s a shame that an idiot like Putin destroys lives: he is the one who deliberately causes a world famine“, he accuses.

>> War in Ukraine: follow the situation live

And for good reason, this farmer finds himself with some 5,000 tonnes of wheat on his hands, which have now lost half of their value, and which cannot find a buyer for the moment. A few months ago, however, this cereal producer exported its production through the ports of Odessa, Mykolaiv and Kherson.

80% of grain exports to Ukraine passed by sea. Today, everything has stopped. We tried by train but the waiting list is long, not before December for us. It’s impossible to go by train, we won’t be able to honor our orders…” he sighs.

Russia, which invaded its neighbor on February 24, is blocking Ukrainian ports on the Black Sea and therefore preventing the export of these cereals, which fed 400 million people last year. The United Nations is also conducting intense and discreet negotiations to free these tens of millions of tonnes of Ukrainian cereals and thus prevent a world food crisis, according to the UN coordinator in Ukraine.

According to the Ukrainian grain association, which brings together grain producers and exporters, ten million tonnes are still stored in silos. Before the conflict, the country was the world’s fourth largest corn exporter, on the way to becoming the third largest wheat exporter, and alone accounted for 50% of the world trade in sunflower seeds and oil before the conflict.

In these sheds, Volodymyr's grain harvest is waiting to be exported abroad: the producer has more than 5,000 tons of wheat stored.  (THIBAULT LEFEVRE / RADIOFRANCE)

A situation all the more urgent as the next harvest will soon arrive. And yet, despite the war, Volodymyr continues to sow. This wheat will be for the start of the school year, the barley, in October. And and right now, it’s the sunflower.

This wheat was sown last fall, before the war. We have just sown the sunflower but twice less than last yearexplains Volodymyr. We don’t take risks because the future is uncertain. So we work… We are farmers, we work the land and we still have hope because our survival depends on it. The villagers believe that sanity will prevail and this disaster can be stopped.”

>> Russian convoys accused of hijacking Ukrainian wheat and aggravating “a global food crisis” have been tracked

And then there are the skyrocketing prices of gasoline and fertilizers: Volodymyr is expected to lose between 50% and 60% of its income this year. He has to repay more than 600,000 euros by next fall, under a zero-interest loan guaranteed by kyiv.

War in Ukraine: the anger of a wheat producer in the south of the country at the microphone of Thibault Lefèvre and Alexandre Abergel

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