An idea for a hike discovered near Changé

I think I’ve already told you: we’re republishing the “Around Laval” guide for the summer, which is now out of print, with a new look and improved information and improved markup. In this topo, take the golf circuit of
Changed which is 9.5 km long and which boasts, to the west of the Vatican lake, a long passage on wooden pontoons to preserve biodiversity based on a diagnosis carried out by the Mayenne nature association environment. It is not surprising that there is a wetland here since we are located near the place called Belle Poule, the etymology of which reveals that it was a flood-prone area when the Mayenne was in flood. The wetland has been identified as well as the conservation issues of the site for the flora the habitats of dragonflies, locusts, crickets, frogs and extended to the park around the Vatican water body for butterflies and migratory birds.

Not far from there, the Belle Poule gîte can only be reached by following the towpath. It is located in the lock house built in 1848. No access by car! That’s good for a public like you who are looking to discover the little secret corners of our department with slowness and pleasure. Whether leaving or returning from the golf circuit, you will find something to cool off in the open air and even snack on local organic products. It is open every weekend from 1 p.m. to 7 p.m. and the welcome is particularly friendly.

In 2023, we will have proposed longer circuits with the Pays de Laval Tourist Office using the Laval Agglo community path signage for a 2 or 3-day roaming depending on the signage put in place with Laval Agglo and that you can download to the ma rando® app from the French Hiking Federation. Available for free on your phones. Mayenne people planning a weekend away from home or tourists looking for a nice accommodation to your liking, it’s coming soon; we’ll talk about it for free access to hiking ideas online on your mobile phones.

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