An Icaunais tackles Kilimanjaro for the second time

5,895 meters in sight. Arnaud Chassery will tackle, for the second time, Kilimanjaro, the highest mountain in Africa located in Tanzania. A real sporting challenge organized by this explorer and adventurer from icaun who will try the feat again for a good cause. He seeks, with various associations, to promote the integration of people with disabilities. In this ascent, he will be accompanied by two young adults with motor disabilities, taken with the help of joëlettes and a person with autism.

A regular in extreme adventures

This ascent is scheduled for August 2024. It will also mobilize 50 carriers around the crew. But Arnaud Chassery is not at his first attempt. In 2017, he has already climbed Kilimanjaro with Yann Jondot, the mayor of a Breton town with a disability. A documentary had even been broadcast on France Television.

To prepare for this new adventure, Arnaud Chassery is organizing this Sunday, October 16 two hikes of 5 and 10 kilometers are organized from 9:30 am at the Domaine des Sénons in Paron. A kind of preparation for the ascent around several associations of people with disabilities. Other hikes are planned until June 2024, including trails and treks, a warm-up before tackling one of the greatest peaks in the world.

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