an FO union official demands “convictions” and “that the money be recovered”

The government also reserves the right to request “the return of unused public funds”, indicates Brigitte Bourguignon, lhe Minister Delegate for the Autonomy of the Elderly.

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“Orpéa stole the money of the French”, assures on Saturday March 26 on franceinfo the secretary general of the private health branch of Force Ouvrière, Franck Houlgatte. He says he expects justice from the leaders of the private Ehpad group “be condemned and that the money be recovered and returned to Social Security”.

franceinfo: What is your reaction to this state complaint against Orpéa?

Frank Houlgatte: We are moving forward, things are going in the right direction. This Orpéa affair has been denounced for 20 years. Victor Castaner’s book helped us uncover a lot of things that we couldn’t prove. The ministers were questioned to ask for the reimbursement of the sums. The embezzled money is public money. Orpéa stole the money of the employees and the French. We regret, however, that the report is not public.

What do you expect from justice?

That they be condemned and that the money be recovered and returned to Social Security. We also want investigations into all layoffs and that the investigation expand beyond Orpéa. We are not fooled, there are other profitable groups and we are convinced that they are doing the same thing. You even have to take a look at the non-profit sector, because it’s Social Security money.

Will the controls of all nursing homes announced by the government prevent further abuses?

We are for it, but we would like it to be done by independent bodies, as for prisons. Today, it is the regional health agencies that do the work. We do not trust them, even when we are told 150 positions in the ARS to control nursing homes. We know how it goes. Eight days before the check, there are personnel and equipment arriving, and leaving after the check. The problem of institutional mistreatment is the lack of personnel. We need to hire 200,000 people for old age so that our colleagues can work properly.

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