An extra first name from Christophe Carlier, prize for the novel of the national gendarmerie!

A captivating thriller about psychological harassment

One name too many, Christophe Carlier, Plon

It’s a novel that plays with our nerves, or rather those of the unfortunate heroine Rebecca. It’s not always good to be remarkable! A woman with a devastating charm, Rebecca is spotted during a summer evening in a dance hall by a stranger. If he sees her, she doesn’t notice. Amorous spite?

She becomes his prey. An invisible stalker, he enters her life without her knowing who he is. it will approach more and more until….hush.

Unexpected outcome, a real thriller that also probes human psychology through the other characters. Colleagues, law enforcement, etc.

Christophe Carlier submitted his novel to the proofreading of a policeman. Validated, except for one detail. The gendarmes no longer wear shirts but polo shirts.

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