an explosion in a Shiite mosque kills at least 10

The attack, which injured at least 15 other people, was claimed by the Islamic State group. Another explosion had occurred two days earlier, in a neighborhood largely populated by a Shiite minority.

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Another deadly explosion in Afghanistan. An explosion in a Shiite mosque killed at least 10 and injured 15 in Mazar-i-Sharif, in the north of the country, a provincial police spokesman told AFP on Thursday (April 21st). The attack was claimed by the Islamic State group.

This attack comes two days after another attack against a Shiite Muslim school in Kabul, where at least six people were killed and 24 injured by two explosions in a school for boys. The targeted Kabul district is also largely populated by a Shiite Muslim minority, the Hazaras. This minority represents between 10 and 20% of the Afghan population and has long been persecuted in this country with a Sunni majority.

Since the Taliban took power in August, the Hazaras have often been targeted in attacks claimed by the Islamic State-Khorasan (IS-K), the regional branch of IS, which regards this minority as heretical . In October, a series of attacks had already caused more than a hundred deaths.

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