an exceptional competition to establish contract teachers in academies that are struggling to recruit

Registrations open this Wednesday. The competition will then take place next May with, at the end of the day, 370 positions in the academies of Créteil, Versailles and Guyana. This device is necessary according to Éric and Jérémy, two contract workers overwhelmed by the pace of work.

National Education wants to retain its contractual teachers, with a exceptional competition to become a full school teacher on May 3. Registrations open Wednesday, March 1 in the three academies that are struggling the most to recruit. There will be 200 positions available in the Créteil academy, 120 positions in that of Versailles and 50 positions in Guyana.

>> “A leap into the void”: how did the new contract teachers in education experience their first weeks of class?

“I’m going to start, if only for job security and to be able to access positions that are more interesting than temporary replacements in schools”, explains Éric, a 55-year-old former actor who became a contract two years ago after a retraining. Anyone who teaches in a CE2 class in Créteil meets the criteria: be on contract for at least a year and a half, in the primary school of one of the three academies concerned, and have a diploma of at least BAC+2 level.

A competition every year until 2026

The teacher is therefore soon going to butcher his contest but it’s not easy to find time available, in addition to preparing for their lessons. “The teaching profession is very time-consuming. Already, on weekday evenings, I tend to finish after 11 p.m. every day… You really have to prepare the sequences.”

With this competition, Minister Pap Ndiaye wants to make up for the shortage of teachers in schools, and avoid losses in August, when the contracts end. Today, National Education has 35,000 contract teachers, including 4,500 new ones, recruited last September. DIn primary schools, this represents 1% of the workforce.

“They have so many holes that they are ready, to fill the holes, to send anyone to the battlefield.”

Jérémy, teacher in Seine-Saint-Denis

on franceinfo

Some contract workers throw in the towel after a few months, or even a few days, but Jeremy, he hung on. He is working this year in Seine-Saint-Denis, in three different establishments and levels. They have so many holes that they are ready, to fill the holes, to send anyone to the battlefield, testifies the teacher who remembers the first very complicated months. During the First World War, we sent people out of the trenches and we looked at those who survived at the end, I see it like that. There is zero training, you are put on very difficult classes. For example, I have a class with two autistic students, but I have no AESH (accompanying students with disabilities, editor’s note) on a double level, CP-CE1. If there is not a minimum of experience, it can quickly go into a spin.”

The school teacher competition provides access to job security but, for all that, some contract workers do not want to pass it, to keep a certain freedom in the place of employment. Once a civil servant, there is no more room for maneuver. National Education plans to organize a total of four exceptional competitions of this type, one per year, until 2026.

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