An ex star of M6 smashes Philippe Etchebest and Hélène Darroze!

She is the very first woman to have joined the jury of a cooking show in France… However, Ghislaine Arabian does not regret having left Top chef in 2014. Guest on the show The Luxury Moment on Star Play TV, the star chef said she was not nostalgic for her five seasons in the program: “Top Chef, I don’t miss it”, she said!

Ghislaine Arabian does not consider her return to the jury at all. Top chef ! The reason ? The one who once officiated alongside chefs Jean-François Piège, Christian Constant and Thierry Marx does not necessarily imagine working with the new recruits! “It wouldn’t have worked with Philippe Etchebest, that’s not my thing… Hélène Darroze, I don’t care, I don’t care… There is no competition”, justified the owner of the restaurant Ledoyen Pavilion in Paris.

The 73-year-old woman also had her say concerning Michel Sarran who will not be found in the next season of Top chef !“Sarran got fired from Top Chef… I don’t care! “, she simply said.

This is not the first time that Ghislaine Arabian has attacked the culinary competition show in which she participated for five seasons. Asked about CNews in 2019, the chief attacked the new candidates of the program that she saw as opportunists: “Humility is the best of boosters. They have the melon because they are on TV, they know very well that the previous candidates ended up with restaurants, some with a star and they hope that by going out they will have a star. Me, I feel it like that. “

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