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As his five-year term celebrates its first year, the President of the Republic wants to turn the page on pension reform.
A year after his re-election, Emmanuel Macron’s popularity rating is at its lowest since 2018 and the “yellow vests” crisis. Only 26% of French people have a good opinion of the head of state. A turbulent start to his second term. Emmanuel Macron seemed hesitant, taking more than a month to choose a prime minister. He then fails to obtain a majority in the National Assembly and figures of his party are even beaten.
“He will live an extremely complicated second term”
“Emmanuel Macron, throughout his first term, thought about his re-election. It was his obsession. On the other hand, what he was going to do the day after it, he didn’t think at all. is because he made bad decisions that his five-year term is badly born and that he will live an extremely complicated second term”, explains Ludovic Vignogne, journalist at L’Opinion. Unpopular pension reform, repeated use of 49.3, broken dialogue with the unions… the president wants to turn the page on pensions. But the mobilization expected on May 1 could well remind the Head of State that the subject is still topical.