an environmental MEP denounces “a waste of time”

“Any euro put into natural gas and nuclear power prevents us from taking the big steps towards a truly renewable world”, deplores Anna Deparnay-Grunenberg.

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“It’s a huge waste of time and a defeat for Europe,” denounces Wednesday, February 2 on franceinfo the German MEP Anna Deparnay-Grunenberg, after the agreement reached by the 27 countries of the EU of a label of sustainable financing of nuclear power and natural gas.

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This agreement “is quite deplorable”judges the German environmentalist MEP. “I am absolutely not satisfied (…) these are energies which are clearly not ecological and which are not the future of the green deal that we had fixed (…) it is a missed opportunity “.

>> Energy: why the green label that the EU wants to grant to nuclear power and gas is debating and dividing the Member States

Anna Deparnay-Grunenberg wants to believe that France needs nuclear power “for a transition phase”but, for her, “that’s not the question”.

“It was about directing the money to a new world and there, we really missed the boat.”

Anna Deparnay-Grunenberg, German MEP

at franceinfo

For her, “every euro put into natural gas and nuclear prevents us from taking the big steps towards a truly renewable world. It is much faster and more ecological to invest directly in 100% renewables”.

So can things change, particularly in the European Parliament? “We are going to fight”replies the MEP for the environment. “We will really try to argue to direct ecological funds towards real ecology. We have many partners in other countries but there are national trends, it will not be easy.”

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