an environmental competitor denounces the parachuting of Sandrine Rousseau in the legislative elections of 2022



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“She’s backwards from what she says.” In 2022, with a new political stature acquired since the primary of the Greens, Sandrine Rousseau decides to become a deputy. According to the environmentalist candidate she ousted, she would not have hesitated to flout her own principles to be parachuted into the 13th arrondissement of Paris.

Claire Monod has lived in the 13th arrondissement of Paris for twenty years. She was the candidate for Europe Ecologie Les Verts in the 2017 legislative elections. In 2022, she wants to renew her attempt… but comes up against Sandrine Rousseau, who has set her sights on her stronghold. With a new political weight since she qualified for the second round of the environmental primary, she considers that a winnable constituency must come back to her. She decided to become an MP – even if it means ignoring her own principles, according to her competitor at the time for the nomination.

“You cannot preach sisterhood, and knowingly, in an authoritarian way, say to yourself: ‘I am taking the place of a woman’, denounce it. She goes against what she says.” Furious, Claire Monod sends him an SMS to oppose this parachuting (Sandrine Rousseau has spent her entire political career in the North) and tackle “virilistic behavior if any”.

“When we claim to deconstruct patriarchy… she only transposes it to her personal situation, she uses its codes to settle here”

Claire Monod, competitor of Sandrine Rousseau for the EELV nomination in the legislative elections of 2022

in “Further investigation”

After the response of his correspondent, who interprets his message as threats, contact is broken. Faced with a much lesser-known candidate, Sandrine Rousseau is in a position of strength. “She will go, without discussing, without arguing, and in the construction of a balance of power which has everything of a good old practice of politics à la papa… What is the difference with a candidacy of a parachuting of a classical man? asks Claire Monod. None.”

Finally invested by EELV, then by Nupes, Sandrine Rousseau was elected in this 9th constituency.

Extract from “Sandrine Rousseau, in green and against all”, a portrait to see in “Complément d’Enquête” on April 13, 2023.

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