An employee of Geneviève de Fontenay makes revelations that are cold in the back on the ex of Jalil Lespert

Friday December 10, RMC Story was broadcasting the documentary The hidden face of the Miss, in which several misses took the floor to review their experience, but not only. This program shed light on elements far removed from the fairy tale.

Hubert Guérin also provided his testimony by reviewing what Sonia Rolland, elected in 2000, suffered. “Sonia Rolland, she received nearly 2,500 letters of insult from Geneviève de Fontenay”, indicated the collaborator of the ex-patroness of the Miss. The first beauty queen of African origins, history triumphed in the famous competition, the one who became an actress will be the victim of numerous racist attacks throughout her reign! “Realize, 2,500 people who took the time to write, and to pay a stamp. There are even people who added excrement in the mails. Sonia Rolland received shit from Geneviève de Fontenay“.

Unfortunately, other Misses will face this problem. Flora Coquerel, Vaimalama Chavez, Alicia Aylies and more recently April Benayoum, first runner-up to Amandine Petit. Hopefully the next Miss France, who will be elected this Saturday, December 11, live on TF1 during this 92nd edition, will not live this nightmare!

See also: Sonia Rolland: the day she surprised Geneviève de Fontenay


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