An emblematic candidate of “Secret Story” victim of a miscarriage: Shock confidences!

July 25, 2019 will forever be etched in the memory of Anaïs Camizuli. It was on this date that the winner of the 7th edition of Secret Story gave birth to her first child. Three years later, the young mother has developed a great bond with little Kessi. Happier than ever, the former reality TV candidate therefore sent a tender message to her daughter for her birthday. ” Because Kessi and me, it’s a long story. I was always told when I was younger that I was going to have problems having a child, some small health problems that made me, according to the doctors, 90% sterile “, declared the young mother on her Instagram account before making a dark revelation: “ In July 2018 I had a miscarriage, I was pregnant, I didn’t even know it. A hard blow, very hard. »

“I feel empty, alone, sad”

After confiding in this terrible ordeal, Eddy Ben Youssef’s sidekick added: ” On July 25, 2019, I was triggered, that went pretty well, until the moment when I was told this famous Red Code. 20 mins to save my daughter because her heart is slowing down too fast. Emergency cesarean, I’m close to a coma. Finally, my Daughter is here. The love of my whole life, the one that was destined for me. That’s why I constantly need to talk about her, to tell her that I love her. When she’s not with me, I feel empty, alone, sad. “And to conclude:” She is the one who gave me a taste for life again, the one who loves me with a pure and sincere love. I almost lost her, she almost lost me. It’s Kessi and Anaïs, it’s our story. »

Touched by the story of the young woman, many Internet users reacted. “It’s so beautiful, you’re lucky to have you. Enjoy every moment with her”, “So moving, being a mother is the best role of a lifetime”, “This relationship! I cry at each statement, it’s so beautiful! Every mother should have this kind of relationship with her children!!! ». Significant support for Anaïs Camizuli.


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