an election and a financial stake for the parties




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In addition to being an essential election, legislative elections are also the main source of funding for political parties.

Collect voices and having its candidates elected in the various constituencies can bring big benefits to the parties. Indeed, the amount of public aid allocated each year to the various training courses is determined at each legislative meeting and according to two criteria.

First of all, each valid ballot for a candidate brings the party 1.42 euros per year. The only obligation being to have at least 1% of the votes in 50 constituencies. Funding also depends on the number of deputies. Thus each elected parliamentarian will bring 37,280 euros per year to his political camp.

The total of this public funding for party aid amounted in 2022 according to the National Commission for Campaign Accounts and Political Funding to nearly 66 million euros. An invaluable treasure that feeds political parties every year according to their score in the last legislative elections. With its electoral victory in 2017, La République en Marche was thus able to receive nearly 21 million euros in 2022. In comparison, the Republicans collect around 13 million euros for this same year. A disappointment can nevertheless weigh heavily on a party’s finances, so the Socialist Party’s low score in 2017 will have earned it 6 million euros in 2022.

In addition to a battle for power, this financial issue of the legislative elections is a key to understanding the strategies of the different parties for this election. Defeats like alliances can weigh heavily on the financing of parties and their financial autonomy.

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