an elected official from Échirolles suspected of advocating terrorism, an investigation opened by the prosecution

An investigation was opened for advocating terrorism against Mohamed Makni, deputy in the town of Echirolles, near Grenoble in Isère. On his social networks, the elected official described the Hamas attacks as “an obvious act of resistance”, and the Israeli government as “fascist”. He was suspended from the Socialist Party and could lose his delegations to the town hall of Echirolles.

His comments on the conflict between Israel and Hamas sparked a wave of reactions and sanctions. On his social networks, the 10th deputy to the town of Echirolles in Isère, Mohamed Makni, took a position against the Israeli government which he describes as “fascist“.

The one who says campaign “for the Palestinian cause for ages” has increased the number of publications on his Facebook account since the attack on October 7. While clashes rage in the Gaza Strip, the elected official in charge of communal heritage and urban cleanliness defined the Hamas offensive “obvious act of resistance”.

Comments which led the Grenoble public prosecutor to open an investigation this Friday, October 13 for “apology of terrorism” against Mohamed Makni. On

It didn’t take long for the Échirolle elected official to attract the wrath of the political class. Joined the Socialist Party, Mohamed Makni was “suspended from all local authorities” of the PS federation of Isère.

In a press release published this Thursday, October 12, Damien Perrard, first federal secretary of PS 38, affirms that his remarks “go against socialist values“who defend on a daily basis “the fight against racism, against anti-Semitism and against all forms of discrimination“.

The PS federation of Isère condemns the words of Mohamed Makni “calling for hatred towards the people of Israel“. She adds that she has contacted the National Conflicts Commission and is awaiting its decision concerning a potential exclusion or sanction of the elected official.

The municipality of Echirolles also quickly reacted following the comments made by its deputy in charge of municipal heritage and urban cleanliness. In a press release, the town hall “reminds that these publications on the personal page of one of its elected officials only engage their author“.

The City wishes to clarify that its position is unambiguous: it denounces the Hamas attacks and condemns these “terrorist acts carried out against civilians on territory not belonging to it“. The municipality intends to support the solution in favor of lasting peace between these two states.

The communist mayor of Echirolles, Renzo Sulli, unreachable this Saturday morning, explained this Friday October 13 to Dauphiné Libéré (paid article) having had “a frank discussion with Mohamed Makni, on his unacceptable writings” And “consider withdrawing his delegations”.

On his Facebook account, the main person reacted this Thursday to the accusations against him. He indicates having been overtaken by “the emotion“thus letting one express oneself”spontaneous reaction“.

Faced with a “flood of very shocking information and images”Mohamed Makni admits to having reacted with “emotion” based on information “still partial”.

The chosen one says campaign “for ages for the Palestinian cause as well as the right of the two states to exist and the two peoples to coexist and ends his publication by condemning “terrorist acts committed by Hamas against Israeli civilians“.

Contacted by telephone, Mohamed Makni did not wish to answer our questions “For now”. The 10th deputy to the town of Echirolles says he “wrongfully accused” and assures that he will speak “At the beginning of next week” to clarify the situation and its positions.

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