“An elderly person cannot be a financial product” is indignant Professor Aubry, from the CHU of Besançon

Is there a problem in the care of the elderly in nursing homes? The question arises with insistence in France as cases of abuse around the Korian and Orpéa groups multiply and dozens of testimonies from families denounce the same shortcomings: food rationing, lack of hygiene and staff. So what should be done P In an attempt to provide some answers, Professor Régis Aubry, head of the palliative care service at the University Hospital of Besançonwas our guest this Tuesday morning.

An elderly person cannot be a financial product” – Pr Régis Aubry

“We lived for years in denial, we didn’t want to know what was going on in the Epahd” asserts Professor Aubry. “An elderly person cannot be a financial product” is indignant, moreover, this specialist in gerontology, “on which we would make a profit by cutting back on personnel and operating costs.”

According to the head of the palliative care service at the CHU of Besançon, we must rethink all care: “It means a major political commitment for the most vulnerable people in our society. We cannot have a society that contributes to making aging and therefore not always simple situations and a policy that also ignores the need to invest in personnel, support and solidarity around these situations.

A measure to be included as a priority in the electoral programs

“For years, it’s been a hot potato that politicians have been throwing around from one term to another. _Now we have to make it a priority_it could be included in the electoral programs as the presidential election approaches”, says Professor Régis Aubry.

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