an effective solution to save you money every month?

In recent months, panic has been growing among Netflix users. Indeed, the streaming platform has announced that it wants to fight massively against account sharing. An announcement at the origin of several disputes on social networks and in particular on Twitter, but also of a large wave of unsubscriptions from users of the platform. In Portugal, for example, the number of subscriptions fell by 13% in just 4 months, according to the Portuguese news site Publico.

Did you know ? In France, 5 million Netflix subscribers are affected by the price increase (Source: L’Express).

But don’t worry: you can save on your other subscriptions! Indeed, more and more sites offer to connect account owners and “co-subscribers”.

A solution to save every month

Fan of series, sports, books or video games? We have THE solution for you to save on your future bills!

Sites like Spliiit, Sharesub or Sharit specialize in connecting subscription owners and “co-subscribers”. A varied catalog of sites is offered, including among others, video on demand sites, TV channels, press titles, software, cinemas and music platforms.

How to share subscriptions with co-subscribers?

Do you want to share your different accounts with other users? To do this, go to the sites suggested above and post an ad. Be careful though: you must already have an account authorizing several users, such as Duo or Family subscriptions.

If a user is interested in your offer, the referring site acts as a “trusted third party”: as soon as the profile of the “co-subscriber” has been validated and he has paid his share of the subscription, the amount will be credited to you and you will be connected.

Good to know : the platform divides the price of the subscription by the number of profiles available, subject to a commission on the accounts put up for sale (between 4 and 10%)

Also note that the subscription holder can withdraw his offer at any time and that the “co-subscriber” can also unsubscribe whenever he wishes. In the event of a dispute, the sharing platforms reimburse part or all of the subscription fees.

Is it legal?

In most cases, the platforms’ General Conditions of Use (CGU) authorize this type of sharing only between relatives from the same family home, and this in certain forms. In other words, if you share your account with a stranger and a problem arises, you will not be able to be helped by the platforms in question.

So, it is better to use these sites with people from his family, even if a legal vagueness remains!

Is it dangerous?

Be careful though: to share an account, you sometimes have to share your usernames and passwords via a private message system. If this happens to you, try changing your password. Preferably choose a password that you do not use on any other site to avoid any hacking attempt.

Advice : We advise you to use a PayPal account to use these subscription sharing sites, even if the monetary transactions are protected.

On the other hand, by connecting to e-commerce accounts, a co-subscriber will not have access to your account and therefore will not be able to make purchases or retrieve your bank details.

Finally, these sites offer to share its storage services in the cloud, such as Dropbox or Google Drive. However, the risks of privacy breaches are significant.


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