an EELV activist from the “Ibiza collective” disrupts a Marine Le Pen press conference


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She held up a heart-shaped sign on which Marine Le Pen could be seen shaking hands with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

A very noticeable interruption. Marine Le Pen’s press conference on her foreign relations agenda in Paris was interrupted around 3:50 p.m. by an activist holding up a heart-shaped sign on which Marine Le Pen could be seen shaking hands with Russian President Vladimir Putin .

This elected EELV in Boulogne-Billancourt (Hauts-de-Seine), member of the “Ibiza collective”, founded by left-wing elected officials after the affair of Jean-Michel Blanquer’s holidays in the Balearic Islands, has then evacuated by the security service.

A leaflet in the form of a fake love letter from the Russian leader to the National Rally candidate has been distributed by another militant of the collective present on the spot, reports a journalist who attended the press conference.

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