An avalanche in Kyrgyzstan, a presidential resignation in Sri Lanka, the middle finger of a minister in Great Britain… One day in the world


France 2

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Sunday, July 10, the news in the world is first of all the resignation of the Sri Lankan president, confirmed a few hours after the assault on his residence. In Great Britain, the Minister for Education gave the press the finger of honor in front of the 10 downing Street. There is also a new fracture within a glacier in Kyrgyzstan.

The avalanche was terrifying in Kyrgyzstan. According to the authorities, the melting causes the collapse of a glacier which ravages everything in its path. No death toll has been announced in this very touristy region. Whoever filmed the images narrowly took shelter behind a rock. He is safe and sound. In Sri Lanka, the street overthrows power. A human tide stormed the presidential palace. Thousands of demonstrators infiltrate the residence of the head of state. For months, they have been overwhelmed by an unprecedented economic crisis. They demand the resignation of the president Gotabaya Rajapaksa. He did announce that he would resign on Wednesday, July 13. Protesters say they want to occupy the presidential palace until what he leaves this one.

In Britain, as thousands of demonstrators demand the resignation of the Prime Minister Boris Johnson, Conservative MP Andrea jenkyns them replied with a middle finger. Appointed since minister of Education, she admitted to having lacked composure but she refused to apologize.

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