We knew about the baguette vending machine, the vegetable vending machine, but do you know the automatic concrete distributor? In La Baconnière between Laval and Ernée, a company offers individuals and professionals the opportunity to buy self-service concrete, six days a week and most of the day. You just have to come with your trailer and the cement or mortar is deposited directly there, it’s almost as simple as buying a rod.
– Julien Provoyeur
There is a marking on the ground to position your trailer correctly and then, there is nothing else to do: everything happens on a computer screen. Guillaume is the manager: “Either we take concrete or mortar. We start from 150 liters up to two or three or four cubic meters, there is no limit. And that allows us to start production.” Behind, a sandbox, another of gravel. You can then choose the desired quantity and this has several advantages: “There is no loss, it is important from a point of view _ecological and economical_, explains William. If you only need 150 litres, i.e. two wheelbarrows, you can and then it’s every 100 litres!”
– Julien Provoyeur
Since the launch of this “self concrete”individuals, intrigued, come to help themselves but some professionals are also interested. “We already have badge orders from companies in the sector to make it easier for them. That way, we don’t have to swipe a bank card every time.” A local distributor therefore, ideally located at the exit of the Departmental 31, one of the busiest axes of the department.