an attack found? With Philippe Fargeon

Where does this change in dynamics come from? Difficult to find an explanation so many things happened in a very short time! From the arrival of David Guion, on February 14, to the events on the sidelines of Montpellier on March 20.

Bordeaux on the rise after Alaves.

After this global shipwreck against Montpellier, the Girondins left for Bayonne, behind closed doors, on a Friday at 1:00 p.m. for a friendly match against the 19th in La Liga: Alaves. A match that perhaps marks the change in dynamics of navy and white as one of the authors of the 1987 championship cup double Philippe Fargeon analyzes

A friendly match like that can always be good, the proof. It was a period when they doubted a lot and began to see their heads in the bucket and already saw themselves in Ligue 2. So I think it was important, maybe to play on this bluff, to leave all together, leaving for a friendly match against a team that we don’t know without any pressure, perhaps to meet again. They resumed, in my opinion, the good line with the draw against Lille, in numerical inferiority, to come back to the score against Metz when they were in great difficulty. I think without this friendly game, I’m not sure they would have been able to come to the surface – Philippe Fargeon

Players fighting, players crying with joy!

It’s true that on the pitch everything seems to have changed after this friendly match. But again, this rebound from the Girondins de Bordeaux is surely multi-factorial and the only 2-1 victory against Alaves cannot explain everything, as the navy and white lover and sneaky influencer says.

I would add all the same that there was a whole context: the fact of having played 60 minutes against Montpellier at 11 against 9, we did not score a single goal, we lost. With the events that happened between Costil and some of the supporters. I think that all of this, put end to end, allowed a kind of click. We see players fighting for each other. Take a good look at the end of the match against Metz: I saw players on the ground, I saw Hwang Ui-Jo in tears, I saw other players also on their knees. They gave their all, it showed and the fans saw it – Snakill

Attention, there are 7 finals left and the maintenance is far, very far from being assured. As Snakill says ” the hardest is to come with matches against Lyon and Nice “not to mention that beyond its results, Bordeaux will have to rely on missteps from its direct competitors and” does not have its destiny totally in its hands concludes Philippe Fargeon

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