an association welcomes the “individualization” of the scale of compensation for victims

Olivier Savignac, co-founder of “Parler et revivre”, an association which collects the words of victims of sexual violence, especially in the Church, greeted Wednesday April 13 on franceinfo “individualization” the scale of compensation established by the Recognition and Reparation Commission for victims: “It is very important because the impact was not the same among the victims”, he explains. The Recognition and Reparation Commission, which offers mediation between victims of sexual crimes and the Church, offers a scale of 5,000 euros and 60,000 euros.

>> Survey. These 700 million euros of heritage which do not appear in the accounts of the diocese of Paris

franceinfo: Is this the right method?

Olivier Savignac: Yes, it’s very important because we are dealing with people who have mostly been victims for a very long time. And so, this trauma really took root in the life of the person and had irremediable consequences on his whole life. It is very important to have in effect the consideration of the damage suffered, the facts in themselves, but behind, all that was collateral on his family, professional, social, spiritual life.

In your opinion, is this scale of 5,000 euros and 60,000 relevant?

It’s important, in fact, because we still have to establish a certain gradation. The impact is not the same in all people. There are countries like Switzerland, where a single scale has been set. It’s a choice. In others, we adapt. This is very important because the impact was not the same for the victims. It is also personalization, individualization to tell the person “I believe your trauma” and especially in the face of this, I will adapt something that is commensurate with what you have experienced.

What must victims do to be compensated?

On the one hand, they must address those who have been victims of priests or lay people to the Independent National Authority for Recognition and Reparation (INIRR). And for those who have been victims in religious institutes at the Recognition and Reparation Commission (CRR).

“It is important, in fact, to be able to declare oneself because for people who have not been able to have access to civil or criminal justice, because of the prescription, in fact, it is the ultimate possibility of to be able to be recognized as a victim.”

Olivier Savignac, co-founder of “Parler et revivre”

at franceinfo

And when you know how good it feels to finally be recognized, to already have a word that is asked to say “yes, you are a victim, I believe you”. Financial reparation is a process that can allow the person to overcome their state of victim.

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