An armed man wounded in the shoulder by a police shooting in Grenoble

“The facts have just unfolded, all this information must be seriously verified by the police officers in charge of the investigations” made a point of specifying Éric Vaillant, Public Prosecutor of Grenoble, in a press release sent at the beginning of the afternoon this Saturday. We know that towards the end of the morning, a group of four men opened fire in a bar in the Saint-Bruno district, in Grenoble. No one was injured according to our colleagues from Dauphine Libere who disclosed the affair. The quartet then left in an Audi car identified by the police and then chased by agents from the Specialized Field Brigade (BST) of the Grenoble police station, as confirmed by the Public Prosecutor.

Weapons and bulletproof vests found

During the chase, the police allegedly fired once at the vehicle, then it stopped in the Arlequin sector (Villeneuve district), where the four occupants continued their escape on foot. One of them reportedly turned towards the police and targeted them with a Kalashnikov. “The police would then have shot him three times, wounding him a priori in the shoulder, explains the Prosecutor. He was immediately taken to the hospital. His vital prognosis would not be engaged.” Weapons and bulletproof vests were also found in the vehicle of the criminals as well as on the injured, said Éric Vaillant. The injured man was arrested; this is the only arrest.

Two investigations are open. The first, entrusted to the Judicial Police, concerns both the facts of “organized gang assassination attempts” clerk in the bar, and the “attempted murder of persons holding public authority” committed by the injured individual against the police. The second investigation is entrusted to the General Inspectorate of the National Police (IGPN) of Lyon and it relates to the shooting carried out by the police.

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