an application helps heart attack victims follow their rehabilitation

To better supervise the rehabilitation of people who have suffered a heart attack from a distance, the Ensweet application notably allows precise monitoring of the sporting activity of patients.

When he pedals his exercise bike every day, Frédéric wears a belt on his chest. It allows him to measure his heartbeat and when he pedals too hard his tablet starts ringing. This device, thanks to an application, Ensweet, allows people with heart problems to follow their rehabilitation at home.

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It complements the existing test devices. They are fully supported by social security and will be generalized if the result is conclusive. The aim is to make up for the lack of doctors or infrastructures and to improve patient follow-up.

“I’m slowing down”

After his heart attack and heart surgery, Frédéric pedaled for half an hour, “the signal tells me when I have exceeded the authorized limit on my heart rate. There, I am at 119-120, when I should be at 117, so I slow down the pace and catch my breath”. Frédéric could have done sports on his own. But there’s a risk when you’re recovering from a heart attack. “With this application, there is security. Because when you have had a heart attack, you don’t know what you can do or not. There, that makes us feel secure”, specifies Frédéric. And to add:We can leave a message to our coach to tell him what we felt, the effort we made. He is there and available, he has always answered me.”

Frédéric’s coach is Jordan, he is a physical activity teacher adapted to the clinic of the Mitterie, in Lille. For a year, he has been following a dozen patients like Frédéric. People at low risk, who can follow their rehabilitation at home under his control.

“The objective is to bring patients to an awareness, so that they say to themselves “rehabilitation has allowed me to change my lifestyle and that may involve practicing regular physical activity and I need it””

Jordan, adapted physical activity teacher at the La Mitterie clinic

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The stakes for Jordan are huge: “We are convinced of having avoided relapses and of having supported the patients” explains the coach. His goal is to ensure that his patients keep the habits acquired during rehabilitation: “We don’t want rehabilitation to be a parenthesis of life by saying to yourself ‘Here, I’m in my bubble, I did my health parenthesis in rehabilitation. Afterwards, I go back a bit to my faults of what could have caused my heart problem. The sports coach has seen 80% of his patients continue regular sports activity after this home rehabilitation with the application.

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