An American family created panic at Tel Aviv airport

An American family sparked panic at David Ben-Gurion airport in Tel Aviv after an unexploded shell was found in their luggage which they intended to take home as a holiday souvenir, the report said. Israel Airports Authority (IAA).

Airport security personnel ordered an evacuation of the baggage check-in area immediately after finding the shell on Thursday, according to a statement from the same source.

The announcement caused a wave of panic among the passengers present in the departures hall: on a video posted on social networks, we see passengers running in all directions to get away from the shell.

During the incident, a passenger was injured and had to be hospitalized.

One of the family’s children had picked up the shell during a walk in the Golan Heights, the IAA said. This area annexed by Israel was the scene of intense fighting between the Jewish state and Syria during the wars of 1967 and 1973.

According to the IAA, the American family was able to board their flight as planned.

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