an alternative to the French kiss, the American “hug”

The weekend science ticket is interested today in a study carried out by psychologists at the University of London on the benefits of the brace, provided that it lasts more than five seconds … Details of Fiorenza Gracci, journalist of the new magazine scientist Epsiloon.

franceinfo: Cis an alternative to the French kiss: the “American hug, more appropriate in these times of Covid, but it is still necessary to know how stake it. A study carried out by an English team gives us the mode ofuse

Fiorenza Gracci: Yes, so first of all, the duration: you should know that a good “hug” lasts at least 5 seconds. This is the first lesson of this scientific study, which was carried out by psychologists from the University of London.

The experiment took place in the lab, with about fifty participants who were blindfolded. A researcher hugged them for three different lengths of time. And the guinea pigs were to rate those “hugs” and say how they felt afterwards.

However, it is from 5 seconds that the hug is considered pleasant. Moreover, you can extend it up to 10 seconds: it will remain so just as much, according to this study. On the other hand, if the exchange is too fleeting, it has a frustrating effect: below three seconds, you don’t have time to participate, you lose the feeling of control. And there is nothing affectionate about it anymore.

So, laboratory experiment, but whatdoes it look in real life?

Well, the experiment was then replicated in real conditions, on a college campus where psychologists asked 200 people to “hug” each other. And the results are the same. This is how these researchers learned another lesson, this time about posture.

Spontaneously, to hug each other, the majority of participants hugged each other, arm in arm, a posture that they described as more egalitarian. Especially the men, who were 82% to give the hug like this.

The other possible posture, where a partner puts his two arms around the waist of the other, is necessarily more intimate. So to reserve to the people of your choice.

Very informative study in these times of Covid

So, you should know that this study was carried out before the arrival of the virus, its goal was not to give health instructions. But it is true that in these days of celebrations and reunion, it is better to show your affection to those close to you by hugging them, rather than sticking a kiss on the cheek … The proof that you can be warm without share his saliva.

Source: Acta Psychologica (November 2021)

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